08:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 09:15 Welcome Speech

Jan Macháček Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Institute for Politics and Society (Czech Republic)
Csaba Tóth Board member, European Liberal Forum; Director, Republikon Institute (Hungary)
9:15 – 9:50 Keynote Speakers

Věra Jourová Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission (Czech Republic)
Adriana Krnáčová  Mayor of Prague (Czech Republic)
9:50-10:05 Coffee Break
10:05 – 11:35  PANEL A: The Future of the Eurozone 

H.E. Kees Jan René Klompenhouwer Ambassador, Embassy of the Netherlands (Netherlands)
Oldřich Dědek  Bank Board member, Czech National Bank (Czech Republic)
Péter Balázs Director, Center for European Neighborhood Studies (Hungary)
Benjamin Haddad  Research Fellow, Hudson Institute (USA)
Tomáš Púchly  Analyst, F. A. Hayek Foundation (Slovakia)
Moderator: Jan Macháček  Chairman of the Board, Institute for Politics and Society (Czech Republic)
11:35 – 12:15 VIP TALK I

H.E. Efthymios Efthymiades Ambassador, Embassy of the Hellenic Republic (Greece)
Pavla Novotná Director, Department for Asylum and Migration Policy (Czech Republic)
Moderator: Jan Macháček  Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Institute for Politics and Society (Czech Republic)
12:15– 13:00  Lunch Break 
13:00 – 14:30   PANEL B: Institutional Challenges for the European Union

Věra Jourová Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, European Commission (Czech Republic)
H.E. Manuela Franco  Ambassador, Embassy of  the Portuguese Republic (Portugal)
Ivo Šlosarčík  Professor, Charles University (Czech Republic) 
Benjamin Haddad  Research Fellow, Hudson Institute (USA)
Moderator: Csaba Tóth Board member, European Liberal Forum; Director, Republikon Institute (Hungary)
14:30 – 15:15 VIP TALK II

Adriana Krnáčová  Mayor of Prague (Czech Republic)
H.E. Roland Galharague Ambassador, Embassy of the French Republic (France)
Phillip Blond Director, ResPublica (United Kingdom)

Moderator: Anna Shavit

Lecturer and Researcher, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (Czech Republic)
15:15 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:00  PANEL C: Security of EU Countries and Hybrid Threats

Janusz Onyszkiewicz Director, Euro-Atlantic Association (Poland)
Dmitri Teperik Chief Executive, International Centre for Defence (Estonia)
H.E. Jevhen Perebyjnis  Ambassador, Embassy of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Vladislav Davidzon  Editor in Chief, The Odessa Review (USA/Russia)
Bruno Lété

Senior Fellow for Security and Defence Policy, The German Marshall Fund of the United States (Belgium)

Moderator: Sebastian Vagt Analyst, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (Germany)
17:00– 18:00  Networking with glass of wine 

An event organised by the European Liberal Forum (ELF) with the assistance of the Institute for Politics and Society, Friedrich Naumann Foundation and Republikon Institute. Co-funded by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not responsible for the content of the programme, or for any use that may be made of it. These views do not necessarily reflect those of the European Parliament and/or the European Liberal Forum.